Ted Thomas

Monday, November 4, 2013

Bidding at Tax Lien and Tax Deed Auctions

If you’re familiar with the process of investing in government tax lien certificates, you understand what goes on at a typical tax auction. Depending on the county and guidelines for a specific auction, dozens (sometimes hundreds) of investors can show up and attempt to out-bid each other on one or more of the tax liens and tax deeds being auctioned for sale.

If you’ve ever been to an average auction in the real world, you’ve seen what goes on. The auctioneer will list a starting price and investors cast bids, incrementally increasing the price until everybody else drops out. The last person who bids ends up owning the item.
Not so with tax lien auctions. In these situations, the auctioneer, usually as county official, will announce the lien property and bidders will actually bid down the interest rate until nobody else is willing to accept the certificate at a lower rate of interest. In this case, the last bidder standing becomes the owner of the tax lien certificate for that particular property. Learn more in this short and entertaining video: http://www.tedthomas.com/truth-about-tax-lien-certificates/

In some cases, the bidding will continue until the interest rate reaches zero percent, in which case a tie-breaking method will be used at the county's discretion. Some can be quite entertaining.

When the interest rate on a property reaches zero, there is usually an ulterior motive on the part of the investor. He or she may have no intention of redeeming the tax lien certificate. Instead, the investor may be hoping to acquire the property itself via foreclosure at a later date. Perhaps the property is developed and contains a house on it. In the case of vacant land, it may be covered with valuable trees that can be sold as lumber. After foreclosure the sale of the property and any building on it can yield a nice profit, should it be in good condition.

Here are some testimonials about specific strategies applied by people who’ve taken my tax lien training course: http://www.tedthomas.com/testimonials/

In the case of tax deed sales, counties will often allow bidders to bid down the percentage of the property they are willing to accept at the sale. The winner of the auction who’s willing to accept the smallest portion of the property once the deed is sold will become what is known as "a tenant in common" with the property owner. While the winner of the auction is only entitled to the portion of the property he/she was willing to bid on, the rate of interest always remains the same.

Real Estate tax liens may be purchased at live auctions and online. Determine which is best for you and create a plan that will help you build wealth. This is the safest investment there is. Read my free book America’s Safest Cash Flow Generator and see why. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Buy Low, Sell Low Be Successful Selling Tax Deed Properties

Over 95% of property owners redeem their tax liencertificates before they lose the deeds. This is good news. It means you, as the investor, get paid between 16% and 36% interest. What about the other 5% of the tax liens? Well, that’s even better news.

If property taxes are not paid during the redemption period, you get the deed to the house. Let’s hope you were thinking things through before you bid at the tax auction. If you didn’t plan for what you would do if you got the property, you might be facing a dilemma.
What will you do? Sell it? Keep it?

If you decide to keep the property, you could rent it out and use the monthly income to increase your personal cash flow. If instead you’d rather not have to deal with the responsibility of owning and you’d prefer to sell, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind.

First, what kind of cleanup and superficial repairs can you do to improve the value of the property? You’d be surprised at the difference mowing the lawn and pulling weeds can make. While you’re at it, pick up loose trash and sweep the driveway. All of these improvements might cost you a couple hundred dollars, but it’ll be worth it.

Chances are you, as most successful tax lien and tax deed investors, want to free your cash for future investment. If you want to move the property quickly, remember this: don’t be greedy. You bought low, right? Sell low!

If you were awarded the deed just for paying taxes owed, you probably got a really good deal; ten—or at most twenty—cents on the dollar. Let’s say you got the deed to a house valued at $100,000 for $15,000. Even if you sold it for $45,000 you’d have tripled your investment at 300%. Price the property to sell quickly and your money will be freed. You’ll be onto the next deal before you know it.

Please visit my website and watch the free videos. Take a few more minutes and listen to the testimonials from some of my students. You’ll hear what they did and how they applied the real estate investing strategies I taught them in my tax lien training

Friday, October 18, 2013

Buying Real Estate Tax Liens and Deeds From Surplus Tax Lien Lists

Also referred to as “over the counter” purchases, property and tax lien certificates that don’t get sold at tax auctions are made available to investors on surplus tax lien lists. Purchasing these liens can be a strategic move for investors.

Although it can be a little easier to purchase from a surplus list than compete at auction, it would be wise to be wary. Purchasing taxliens and deeds from surplus lists doesn’t mean you can skip steps. There might be a reason these properties weren’t sold at auction. Even more diligence is often required.

Investments should never be taken lightly. Doing so is not investing, it’s gambling. The thrill of the sporadic win in a casino, unless you’re addicted, is no match for gambling with investment capital. You can walk away with a few dings but most people recover.
A bad investment can take you out of the game.

Begin by getting a hold of the Tax Deed Surplus Land List in your county and/or Tax Lien Certificate Surplus List in your county. Not every property on the list will match your plan. Skip those that don’t and resist the urge to bid on them. Focus only on the certificates or deeds to properties that are a good match.

Next, get the rules to the surplus land auction in your county. Remember that every county is different and don’t assume that the rules for auctions in other counties in your state are the same or even similar. Get the rules and familiarize yourself with them.

Is the auction process first come, first served? Will you automatically get the maximum interest rate on leftover tax liens? Knowing these answers will reduce your risk.

If you’re purchasing the deed to a property from the surplus tax lien list, research the type of deed you’ll receive to determine it meets your personal guidelines for investing. If it doesn’t, be willing to walk away. Remember a good deal is only a good deal when it meets your own qualifications for success.

Buying over the counter tax liens and tax deeds can put money in your pocket if you follow through: plan, research, and qualify. These three things will minimize risk and help you reach your financial goals. 

Please watch my free video series to learn more about tax lien certificates and tax deeds investing. Other than the investment you make in yourself, it’s the safest and most profitable investment you’ll ever make.  

Monday, October 14, 2013

Top Real Estate Investing Strategies: Selling Vacant Tax Deed Land

You don’t need to buy tax lien homes in order to invest and make money in real estate. You can also buy tax deeds to vacant land and either keep for your own use or sell for a profit.
When a property owner defaults on their taxes, the government imposes a lien against the property. The lien is held for a certain amount of time and then the certificate is offered to investors at live or online tax lien auctions.

Property owners are given an opportunity to redeem their certificates at interest rates of up to 50%, depending on the state. Tax Deed states cut out part of the process and go straight to the deed sale. Since tax liens on vacant land are less likely to be redeemed, your chances of owning a parcel of land are more probable.

Unless you have a plan for the vacant land, it’s best to consider selling as soon as possible. To whom, you might wonder?

Low Hanging Fruit

Neighboring land owners are the most feasible buyers. They stand to increase their acreage with the purchase of adjacent parcels of land. Contact them first with a time-sensitive opportunity and first right of refusal. The easiest transaction you can make is with a willing buyer with a vested interest.

They might come up with cash or in some cases a rent-to-own situation might be in order. This gives a little more mileage to your investment. Carry the loan if it means you can sell the property. If the purchaser defaults, you’ve lost nothing. You still own the property.


Sometimes vacant land has been neglected by a property owner. If you’re able to see beyond maintenance issues and negligence of the property and recognize that with a little TLC the vacant land would be highly marketable—buy it! A trained mind will help, so be sure you evaluate with the appropriate criteria.

Cut the grass and pull the weeds. Landscape if you think you’ll get a better price. Just make sure you don’t spend more than you’ll get in return. The goal is NOT just to break even. Cosmetic enhancements are best reserved for properties you know will net you much more with a little extra fluff.

If the vacant landyou’ve acquired has been severely neglected, or used as a land fill, factor in the expense of trash and debris removal. This singe upgrade, which might cost you a few hundred dollars, could raise the value of your new property by several thousands of dollars. Measure the value of any improvement you make before you write the check. 

If you’ve learned anything from my tax lien training,your vacant land investment came at a good price. Sell it at a fair price and both you and the buyer will benefit.

Would you like to learn more about tax lien investing and buying tax deeds to vacant land? Watch my freevideo series. And here’s something that explains this profitable and safe opportunity: http://truthabouttaxliencertificates.com/. Sit back, enjoy it, and welcome to the lifestyle change you’ve been hoping for. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Didn’t Plan for Retirement? Too Late to Secure Your Future?

You probably never dreamed you’d wake up one day and find yourself nearing retirement without a nest egg. You may have ignored sound advice about saving for the golden years or about how to invest and make money. You’re not alone. Ask any baby-boomer in their 50s or 60s and you’ll hear numerous stories as to why they’ve found themselves in the same place.

Whether you took a hit in the recent economic downturn and had to dip into your savings just to eat, or whether you relied on “I’ll do it tomorrow” to govern your choices for the future, you may now find yourself in a position you didn’t expect.

Guess what? Tomorrow is here.

There are ways to recover financially and I’m going to share a couple you can get started on right away. By employing the proven real estate investing strategies I’m going to tell you about, you can do more than meet your basic needs as you age. By applying this knowledge you’ll have the ability to utilize these strategies to invest and make moneyand to support a quality of life you may never have thought could be yours.

I Can’t Believe I’m Making A 20% Return On My Invested Dollars!Now I understand why you say Georgia is your favorite state!  Just outside Atlanta, I invested $28,000 at the Tax Defaulted Auction.  I’m making a minimum of 20% in the first year.  If the property owners don’t pay me all my money back, plus 20%, I’ll end up with $600,000 in Real Estate.Sometimes, I pray that they don’t pay their taxes!
Esther Behar,Miramar, FL

Making Money in Real Estate

You might be thinking you need a lot of money to make money with real estate. Stop right there! With as little as $1,000 you can learn real estate investing strategies that have made people just like you, wealthy. Tax lien investing is one such strategy. Another is tax deed investing. To learn about the difference, please click here: http://truthabouttaxliencertificates.com/

Investing in tax lien foreclosure properties is a simple and fast way to build up your reserves for the future. Nothing is more important than quality of life, and this is one strategy that will not only help finance it, but will also offer you the free time in which to enjoy it. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Realtors! People Need What You Have to Offer:

Here’s a way you can give it to them

As a realtor you know real estate investing strategies extend beyond buying and selling property. In a market that, at the time of this writing, appears to be down, your knowledge and influence have value. Perhaps more value than you realize.

You know firsthand that owning property is an investment and you’ve helped people make money in real estate.  But did you know that your ability to help your clients succeed at the investment game has more to it than meets the eye?

Perhaps a few of your clients have been turned away because they didn’t have the down payment required to purchase commercial or residential property—or even land. With the information you’re about to read, you can help your clients learn how investing in tax liens and tax deeds can help turn their situations around.

As have tens of thousands of folks have done, you and your clients can see almost immediate changes in your bottom line by employing proven real estate investing strategies with tax lien investments. The only thing that separates you from them  is training.   

As a realtor, you’ve likely seen clients’ homes foreclosed upon. You’ve probably helped out a few with a short sale option.

Along with this, you might also be familiar with tax lien foreclosure homes; those homes that after having a lien imposed, have been foreclosed upon for failure or inability to pay taxes. These are all sad situations and pull at our heart strings. No one wants to see anyone lose their home. But it does happen.

On the other side of these often unavoidable situations is the opportunity to buy government tax lien certificates and hold them as (best case scenario) property owners get back on their feet. Some get a second chance. Others are never able to recover and we see tax lien homes for sale.

Do you have clients of limited means interested in making money with real estate? This might be a great way for them to get started. In most cases, as long as their own property taxes are paid, your clients can learn about tax lien investing as a way to build up their assets to bankroll their real estate investments and acquire the skills to fill their financial coffers for the future. 

Are you looking for ways to revive your real estate business and help your clients improve quality of life? Seeking and buying tax lien homes for sale can offer opportunities for both. As a realtor, people need your help. Talking to them about investing in tax lien certificates is a way you can offer it. 

Would you be interested in tax lien training? Visit …

Is there a Difference between Tax Deeds and Tax Liens?

When considering real estate investing strategies, the difference between a tax deed and a tax lien is an important distinction to make. Many people confuse the two and if you’re considering making money with real estate, be sure you understand the difference. 

Tax Liens
Although they’re related, there’s a big difference between tax liens and tax deeds. When investors purchase tax lien certificates, they’re entitled to earn a fee or interest. The amount earned corresponds directly with the amount invested in the purchase of the tax lien. These fees are paid either by the property owner or another party with interest in the property.

If the debt isn’t paid within the prescribed timeframe, the tax lien investor has the right to foreclose on the property and take ownership. There are considerations: just as certification, license and legal matters differ from state to state, so do guidelines governing tax lien transactions. 

Tax Deeds
A tax deed, on the other hand, refers to the actual title to a property. Either the local government or the tax deed investor, upon assuming ownership, may foreclose on the property. Again, details vary by state.

Who Can Buy Tax Lien Certificates?

Got money? If so, you’re probably qualified to purchase tax lien certificates. Depending on where you live, there may be a few exceptions. Remember, rules may differ across state lines.

Before you assume that just because you have some extra cash, you can jump in pockets first with both wallets. First make sure the shoemaker’s kids have shoes.       (An old but accurate cliché). How do your own books look?

If you happen to be bidding in the same state in which you live, your own property taxes must be paid before you can purchase someone else’s debt. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Of course it does. So, get your own house in order before you decide to invest.

In addition, when it comes to investing in tax deeds, some states require a tax I.D. number or even a social security number.

You can invest and make money—if you do your homework. Each investor has his/her own set of objectives and in order to get the most out of the experience; financially and otherwise, knowing the direction you want to go in when exploring real estate investing will help you discern the appropriate choices. Understanding the characteristics of both tax liens and tax deeds will help you make the right real estate investment decisions from the beginning.


Ted Thomas, is internationally recognized as America’s Tax Lien and Tax Deed investment authority. He’s trained thousands of novice investors and professionals to invest and make money buying tax lien certificates and tax deeds. Learn how you, too, can make money with real estate investment strategies Ted has been teaching successful investors for decades. Visit http://truthabouttaxliencertificates.com/

Monday, September 16, 2013

Is Real Estate Investing Just a Fancy Moniker for Gambling?

Is Real Estate Investing Just a Fancy Moniker for Gambling?

Not when you know what you’re doing! 

Anyone who followed the market before the downward trend in 2009 might have thought the term investing was simply a nice way of referring to gambling. Well, for some it was. Homes and subdivisions sprung up like dandelions after a rainstorm and countless inexperienced real estate investors scooped them up.

It made sense. Before we were forced to trim the fat, many people had extra cash and with the ease of securing a loan back then, making money in real estate appeared to be easier than it had been for decades.

And then, it hit; taking many of us by surprise.

The real estate market took a nose dive. Almost as quickly as the concept of Facebook, the word Foreclosure became the focus of dinnertime conversations and casual business lunches; and soon after, the word short sale made the list.

Real Estate investing strategies that in the early part of the century captivated the get-rich-quick crowd now buried them in debt. Investors who wanted to make money in real estate were floundering as the industry tried to hold its own in what appeared to be a swift decline.

As everything eventually does, things are finally coming back around. Homes are slowly recovering their value and banks that once slammed doors in the faces of would-be investors have loosened the nooses (a little) from around the necks of those seeking to borrow. There are ways to make money. Real estate investment opportunities are indeed recovering.

Tax Lien Certificate Investing

Is realestate investing still a gamble? It can be; unless you know what you’re doing. That is, in fact, why many investors LOST BIG a few years ago. They lead with greed instead of knowledge.

Over the last 30 years I’ve been teaching people who want that knowledge. I’ve helped them get rich. They’re serious about learning how to invest and make money in real estate through tax lien certificate investing and willingto do what it takes to get there. 

Tax Lien Certificate Investing involves the purchase of real estate tax liens imposed by the delinquency of taxes due to local government. An investor who purchases tax lien certificates, either at a tax lien auctionor eventhrough online tax lien sales can make 16%, 18% and up to 24%in a very short period of time.
Get rich quick scheme?

Hardly! This is plain, ordinary SMARTreal estate investing and as long as minimal criteria are met, anyone can do it. You can start with less than $1,000. The principles I follow and teach to others who want to learn about how to invest and make money in real estate aresound andbacked up by testimonials from satisfied clients.

Save the gambling for Las Vegas. If you’re interested in making money real estate tax liens are smart investments.


Ted Thomas is America’s Tax Lien Certificates and Tax Deed Authority. He’s taught thousands of novices and professionals real estate investing strategies that help them profit by Tax Lien Certificates and Tax Deeds at government sponsored auctions. This is the safest, most lucrative investment opportunity in America today and you can learn how to benefit from investing by visiting http://truthabouttaxliencertificates.com/

Investing in Tax Liens and Tax Deeds

If you knew you could make money in real estate with little or no risk, would you be more interested in reading this article? What if I told you that by working with proven real estate investing strategies you could earn 16%, 18% and even 24% return on investment? You can, by investing in tax liens and tax deeds. And you can begin investing this week—if you’re ready.

Do you know what it takes to be ready?  

The biggest mistake investors make is being poorly prepared when they begin investing. They think simply by following the advice of a family member or friend     they can begin making money in real estate. That would be great if the advice you get is backed by sound knowledge. This isn’t always the case; especially when talking about buying tax lien certificates.

Although buying tax liens is one of the safest ways to invest, just like everything else, if you want to minimize risk you should know what you’re doing. Buying tax lien properties has made tax lien investors a lot of money over the last couple hundred years, and you could add your name to the list in less time than you think—as long as your bases are covered from the get-go.   

Remember this: safe investments are informed investments.
We’re talking about minimizing risk, and one of the safest ways to build a smart and rewarding investment career is to explore investing in tax liens and tax deeds. The risk is low when you know what you’re doing.

Just think for a moment about any skilled trade. Proficiency is acquired through training. Whether you’re considering investing in tax lien certificates as a career or a hobby, an element of training is necessary for success.

Before you write that first check for a tax lien property, or allow yourself to be tempted to buy tax lien certificates online, please consider investing first in tax lien training. Unless you have money to burn, preparation means everything. The real estate investing strategies you’ll learn will not only save you money, they’ll make you money with something as simple as buying home liens.  

Nothing in life comes with a 100% guarantee, but why risk when you invest in tax liens if you don’t have to?

It’s been said knowledge is power. Nothing could be truer when formulating sound real estate investing strategies that will move you forward with your tax lien investments. Be patient! The time you spend learning before you attack those tax lien lists will be worthwhile and in no time at all you’ll be well on your way to making money in real estate.
Ted Thomas, is internationally recognized as America’s Tax Lien and Tax Deed investment authority. He’s trained thousands of novice investors and professionals to invest and make money buying tax lien certificates and tax deeds. Learn how you, too, can make money with real estate investment strategies Ted has been teaching successful investors for decades. Visit http://truthabouttaxliencertificates.com/

Monday, September 2, 2013

Success Strategies for Effective Tax Lien Investment

Anyone with a little money and a basic understanding of tax lien investing can buy tax lien properties. The question then becomes, what do you with them do once you own them? It all begins with a certificate about the size of a regular piece of paper. Where it goes from there is up to you.

Knowing what you want and setting goals around those objectives is vital to your success as a tax lien investor. Without a game plan, you’re just gambling.

Set Your Intention

Why are you interested in tax lien certificate investing? Have you made other types of investments and want to try something new? You’re wise to consider this. For over 200 years, investors have gotten rich applying specific real estate strategies and buying tax liens and deeds. They begin by setting clear intentions for what they plan to accomplish. That’s the first goal of every successful investor.

A clear intention will help you set goals and keep you focused at tax foreclosure auctions and online tax lien sales. When you know what you want and how to get there, you’ll resist temptation to jump on that “great deal” that pops up as you’re waiting for your property to come up for bid.

Know Your Budget

Knowing what you have to invest in a given year or even at a specific tax certificate sale will help you decide which properties warrant a bid. Without a budget, you might be tempted to purchase tax lien certificates that aren’t in alignment with your primary goals. Doing so might find you sitting on the courthouse steps with an empty wallet and broken heart as the property of your dreams goes to another investor.

Design Your Long Range Goals

What would you like as your outcome, investing in government tax lien certificates? Are you looking for cash flow? In this case you might be best served buying tax deeds.

Is your goal to earn mammoth returns on tax liens once they’re redeemed? If so, earning 16%, 24% or more might be the way to go. Especially if you have a nice little nest egg to fund your visits to property tax lien sales; you could invest and make money while you sleep. Do you have a desire to travel? Live the laptop lifestyle of many executives and run your investment business from anywhere in the world by purchasing
tax liens from online tax lien auctions. Many investors with wanderlust come away from online transactions with healthy sums of money while they dine on a cruise ship or fish off the Florida coast. Technology is wonderful!

Know what you want and where you see yourself in the future and your tax lien investment business will carry you forward to the life of your dreams. Stay focused and disciplined and you’re half way there.

Check out my [tax lien training videos- http://www.tedthomas.com/ (Just scroll down when you get to the page.)] – free of charge on my website. You’ll be amazed at how people just like you have prospered buying tax liens.


Ted Thomas is America’s Tax Lien Certificates and Tax Deed Authority. He’s taught thousands of novices and professionals real estate investing strategies that help them profit by Tax Lien Certificates and Tax Deeds at government sponsored auctions. This is the safest, most lucrative investment opportunity in America today and you can learn how to benefit from investing by visiting http://truthabouttaxliencertificates.com/